The moment I felt Christmas is coming… :)


I went to the Christmas Market here in Nicosia, a couple of days ago… the previous Sunday to be exact! It was small but it was okay! I walked back and forth a couple of times but I did not feel the Christmas spirit cause it was very sunny and warm! It felt more like an Easter market or something, if that exists!


15515694_10211787428831290_1444427135_oOn Monday night, I have to go back to the city center of Nicosia because I have work to do! As I walk by the Christmas market, I see the Christmas tree. I have my laptop on one had and my bag on the other hand, so I cannot take the picture! I go closer, I leave my laptop on the ground, and I pick up my camera. I think to myself that this is a beautiful picture with the carousel on the back and the Christmas tree lights on… It is cold outside, as well! I am wrapped like a burrito!The moment I take the picture is the moment I felt Christmas is coming… 🙂


#InstaMomentStories#Instamoments #picturing #momenteight#christmastree #xmas #christmasmarket#xmasmarket #Nicosia #Cyprus #carousel#decorations #christmasdecoration #lights#christmaslights #blurry #blurrylights


The moment Summer joked Winter!! :D

img_20161211_141957I am at the south coast of Cyprus! Specifically, we are in Larnaca to visit a special friend. We meet with our friend! She is great! She is a tightrope walking master! While she is walking on the rope, I look around and I see all kinds of people… people dressed with coats, others are wearing T-shirts, others are wearing swimming suits and then it’s me wearing a skirt and a shirt. The weather is veeery nice! I mean summer-nice!! I am thinking to myself “Winter will never come here!!” ahahaha… Christmas with 20 degrees and a summer weather. I’ll take that! Then, I am like “Where am I? In Australia?: 😛

I grab my camera and I take the picture because this is the moment Summer joked Winter!! 😀

#InstaMomentStories#InstaMoments #momentseven #picturing#Larnaca #Cyprus #sunny #never #ending#summer #20degrees #beach#sunnychristmas #december #weather#noisnotajoke #wannabewinter #palmtrees#seaview #sea #foinikoudes

The moment I did exactly the opposite!

moment5I am at the city tour in Tallinn! It is freezing cold, but I do not care! I really want to see the city! I am thinking this is probably the first and last time I will be here… The tour starts… it is nice and I enjoy it! Towards the end, the tour guy took us at the highest place in Tallinn where you can see the city from above! I am thinking, this is beautiful –  I am so lucky I am here!

We are coming down the hill I am taking as many pictures as possible… trying to desperately capture every single scene, moment, experience, feeling… alternating between the camera and my phone, cause my phone is almost dead. Of course, I am cutting back from the group! I suddenly turn my back and I look at this picture! I have barely read what it says… I take the picture anyway… Then, I put down the camera and take the time to read it! I smile – bare in mind that at this point I am alone, the rest of the group is already down the stairs- and then I shout… “Guys wait form me!”. This is the moment I did exactly the opposite!

#InstaMomentStories#InstaMoments #MomentFive #Estonia#Tallinn #city #view #nightview #beautiful#savethecamera #photo #citytour#quickpic #theend